Česky Earthquake of 31st May 2014
Nejnovější zemětřeseníPředchozí zemětřeseníSlovníčekÚFZČEZSÚJBSeismologické odkazyFollowing earthquakePrevious earthquake
Date and time: 31.05.2014, 12:37:21 CEST
Magnitude: 4.4
Region: Czech Republic, West Bohemia, Nový Kostel
Coordinates: 50.226° N, 12.444° E
Distance from NPP Temelin: 180 km
Distance from NPP Dukovany:300 km
Additional info:
The earthquake was widely felt by people near the epicentre and some reports are also from southern Bohemia (Tábor, Volyně, Milevsko, Kovářov). The maximum reported intensity reached VI on the EMS-98 macroseismic scale. If you felt it too you can report your experience here. It is the strongest earthquake of a seismic swarm which started in the Nový Kostel area on 23.5.2014 and continued after a few relatively quiet days by another series of felt earthquakes. Seismic swarms occur repeatedly here. No greater damage is expected by this type of earthquakes. This earthquake is the strongest from this region since 1985 when an earthquake with magnitude 4,8 was recorded.
It presented no threat to any of the Czech NPPs.
More details can be found at the Geophysical Institute or you can follow the recent seismic activity at the daily seismogram of the NKC station.
Seismogram of the earthquake from a station of the IPE local seismological network monitoring NPP Temelín. Time in the seismograms is in UTC (CEST - 2 hours). Vertical axis shows ground velocity in mm/s.