Česky Earthquake of 14th June 2012
Nejnovější zemětřeseníPředchozí zemětřeseníSlovníčekÚFZČEZSÚJBSeismologické odkazyFollowing earthquakePrevious earthquake
Date and time: 14.06.2012, 23:28:50 CEST
Magnitude: 2.3
Region: Czech Republic, Jeseníky Mts., Alfrédka
Coordinates: 50.024° N, 17.206° E
Distance from NPP Temelin: 220 km
Distance from NPP Dukovany:130 km
Additional info:
The earthquake was felt by people in Ludvíkov, Loučná nad Desnou, Bělá pod Pradědem, Karlova Studánka, Rýmařov, Bílý Potok or Šumperk. The maximum epicentral intensity reached level III-IV on the EMS-98 macroseismic scale. If you felt it too you can report your experience here.
It presented no threat to any of the Czech NPPs.
The IPE has been monitoring the Jeseníky Mts. region since 2000 and has recorded several dozen weak tremors from this epicentral area. Here was also probably the epicentre of a seismic swarm in 1986 with 14 widely felt earthquakes.
More details can be found at Aktuálně.cz or here (both in Czech only).
Seismogram of the earthquake from a station of the IPE local seismological network monitoring NPP Temelín. Time in the seismograms is in UTC (CEST - 2 hours). Vertical axis shows ground velocity in mm/s.