Česky Earthquake of 8th November 2017
Nejnovější zemětřeseníPředchozí zemětřeseníSlovníčekÚFZČEZSÚJBSeismologické odkazyFollowing earthquakePrevious earthquake
Date and time: 08.11.2017, 19:36:27 CET
Magnitude: 3.2
Region: Austria, Alland
Coordinates: 48.074° N, 16.076° E
Distance from NPP Temelin: 180 km
Distance from NPP Dukovany:110 km
Additional info:
The earthquake was probably not felt by people in the Czech Republic and no damage to buildings or infrastructure is expected here.
Last years earthquake of 25.4.2016 from the same area with magnitude 4,2 was then felt by many people even in the Czech Republic.
More details can be found at ZAMG Austria or at our FB.
Seismogram of the earthquake from stations of the IPE local seismological networks monitoring the Czech NPPs. The upper track is from Temelín network and the lower one from Dukovany network. Time in the seismograms is in UTC (CET - 1 hour). Vertical axis shows ground velocity in mm/s.