Česky Earthquake of 16th December 2011
Nejnovější zemětřeseníPředchozí zemětřeseníSlovníčekÚFZČEZSÚJBSeismologické odkazyFollowing earthquakePrevious earthquake
Date and time: 16.12.2011, 07:55:44 CET
Magnitude: 3.0
Region: Austria, Molln
Coordinates: 47.840° N, 14.240° E
Distance from NPP Temelin: 150 km
Distance from NPP Dukovany:200 km
Additional info:
The earthquake was not felt by people in the Czech Republic and no damage to buildings or infrastructure is expected here.
Seismogram of the earthquake from a station of the IPE local seismological network monitoring NPP Temelín. Time in the seismograms is in UTC (CET - 1 hour). Vertical axis shows ground velocity in mm/s.