Česky Earthquake of 30th November 2004
Nejnovější zemětřeseníPředchozí zemětřeseníSlovníčekÚFZČEZSÚJBSeismologické odkazyFollowing earthquakePrevious earthquake
Date and time: 30.11.2004, 18:18:36 CET
Magnitude: 4.6
Region: Poland, High Tatras
Coordinates: 49.400° N, 19.900° E
Distance from NPP Temelin: 400 km
Distance from NPP Dukovany:270 km
Additional info:
The earthquake was felt by people even in the czech Republic (Ostrava, Karviná, Havířov, Vyškov, Brno, Opava, Frýdek-Místek, Třinec, Český Těšín) with intensity III-IV on the EMS-98 macroseismic scale. If you felt it too you can report your experience here.
It presented no threat to any of the Czech NPPs.
Seismogram of the earthquake from a station of the IPE local seismological network monitoring NPP Temelín. Time in the seismograms is in UTC (CET - 1 hour). Vertical axis shows ground velocity in mm/s.